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Company Information

Business Legal Name:text name

Business DBA Name: text name

Federal Tax ID (EIN): text name

Business Address (no PO Box): text name

City: text name

State: text name

Zip code: text name

Business Phone Number: text Name

Legal Business Structure: text Name

Business Start Date:text name

Current Ownership Date: text name

What Industry are you in?: text name

How many employees do you have? text name

State of Incorporation: text name

Outstanding Balance: text Name

Average last 4 months bank deposits: text Name

Owner Information (1)

First Name: text name

Last Name: text name

Email: Email

Cell Phone: text name

SS Number: text name

Date of Birth: text name

Home Address (no PO Boxes):text name

City: text name

State: text name

Zip code: text name

Business ownership %: text name

Do you:

Owntext name

Rent text name

FICO score: text name

Signature (1): text name

Owner Information (2)

First Name: text name

Last Name: text name

Email: Email

Cell Phone: text name

SS Number: text name

Date of Birth: text name

Home Address (no PO Boxes):text name

City: text name

State: text name

Zip code: text name

Business ownership %: text name

Do you:

Owntext name

Rent text name

FICO score: text name

Signature (2): text name

Applicant’s Officer or Owner, named above, each authorize Sun Funding Solutions, LLC, its assignees and agents to obtain an investigative report from credit bureaus or credit agencies, and also to investigate the Trade References and any other references provided on this Application or on any other documents submitted by Applicant and Applicant’s names Officer or Owner for the purposes of obtaining funding.