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Merchant Cash Advance

Super Quick - Flexible Payments

Use our calculator to estimate your payment and effective APR for a Short-term business loan or Merchant Cash Advance.

Include all fees associated with a Short-term business loan or Merchant Cash Advance transaction to obtain the actual APR.


You need to borrow $100,000.The lender approved a 1-year term with a factor of 1.25%. You will make a total of 252 payments of $496.03 on weekdays, with no payment required on weekends.

Loan Amount



Time To Fund

24 hours


Loan Term

4-24 months


Factor Rate

1.20 to 1.50

Understanding Merchant Cash Advance

A merchant cash advance can provide quick working capital by offering a lump sum upfront in exchange for future revenue at a discounted price. This allows for flexible payment timelines that align with a business’s sales flow.

Benefits Of A Merchant Cash Advance

Get flexible financing options with competitive interest rates to grow your business, regardless of your trading history.  Choose your own terms and amounts, use the funds as you see fit, and build your credit history.

Minimum Requirements For A Short-Term Business Loan.

If your business doesn't meet the criteria listed below, The Short-Term Business Loan or Merchant Cash Advance may be the right option for you.

Credit Score



Monthly Revenue



Time In Business

6 months+


A: Most small businesses can apply for a merchant cash advance if they have accounts receivable, which include credit/debit card sales or invoices.

A: A merchant cash advance is determined by a factor rate, not an interest rate or APR. The company multiplies the advance amount by the factor rate, typically between 1.2 and 1.5, which varies based on industry, business age, credit card sales, and credit rating.

A: A merchant cash advance is a good option for businesses with poor credit or limited credit history, and it doesn’t require collateral. It’s also processed faster than other types of funding.

A: When it comes to financing, it’s important to understand that a merchant cash advance is not the same as a loan. With an MCA, the financing company is actually buying a portion of your future sales, rather than loaning you money.